Hi, thanks sofar, I have tried literally everything along those lines, and
nothing is doing it, and at this point it is all about ending with
everything right, since I need to do 2021 urgently.

My good luck is that this is about a business that was more or less dormant
for a while, so, I can do the whole year in a long evening, but now I need
to get ready for a better 2022, and I need to get 2020 and 2021 100% right,
plus be sure my accounting system will hold up for a busier 2022. For now,
this is not wanting to happen as I have ended up in a catch-22.

I switched to 4.9, assuming that whatever caused my problem in v 3.8 might
have been fixed. Evidently other users had had the same problem of
reconciliations coming unglued. As I said before, my main problem was not
having exited the program after each reconciliation, for if I had, I would
have had a monthly backup. I did the whole year in one session. Ideally
this time, I would redo it and and exit after every month was reconciled to
have backups throughout.
However, now I end up with another problem to which I have yet to receive a
satisfactory solution. When setting up the opening balances, the retained
earnings is not allowing editing, so it ends up that the Opening Balance
account now holds the total of the actual opening balances plus an amount
that should be retained earnings. In 3.8 I was able to set this up properly
with one opening transaction, but in 4.9 I have not found the way. I posted
about it on the list, but so far no usable suggestions. Only another user
having the same problem.

I used gnucash years ago without a problem for some small project, but at
this point , I feel like I am in a total Catch-22. I don't trust 3.8
anymore and so far 4.9 is letting me down.

On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 11:05 PM <davidcousen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rogier,
> Have to agree with Adrien and David Carlson that redoing everything from
> Dec2020
> is the hard way to fix the problem.  If you can identify the transaction(s)
> which were incorrect at that time and then fix then they will be
> unreconciled
> but will appear in the reconciliation window panes at the start and if you
> select them they can be reconciled either to the last reconciled date and
> the
> ending balance at that date or the next period you reconcile. It will mean
> the
> starting balance will be out by the amount of the transactions which were
> unreconciled.
> David Cousens
> On Mon, 2021-12-27 at 18:08 -0500, Rogier F. van Vlissingen wrote:
> > If I want to redo a year, is the only way to redo it to export the data
> and
> > set it up all over again?
> >
> > Or is there another way of rolling back all my reconciliations.
> >
> > Reason is, I seem to have a corruption in my last December (2020), and
> > there appears to be no way to fix it, so it seems I have to redo the
> year.
> > I had no monthly backups as I did the whole year in one session.
> >
> > If this approach is indeed the right one then how do I lose the
> > reconciliations when I export? Do I have to manually fix them when it's
> in
> > .CSV format?
> >
> > Also, I thought I saw somewhere how to export a chart of accounts, but I
> > cannot find it now?
> >
> > <
> >
> http://rogierfentenervanvlissingen.me?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb
> > >
> > Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen <http://rogierfentenervanvlissingen.me>
> >
> > <
> >
> http://rogierfentenervanvlissingen.me?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=gmail_api&utm_content=thumb
> > >
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