I tried OneDrive with gc for a while. It worked until it didn’t. I’m still not 
sure what happened, but I think MS unilaterally decided to reorganize my 
OneDrive setup. Gc just did not like what it did and starting one day gc would 
not open the file.  I’m not sure what was wrong, and I couldn’t find out, 
because I don’t get the Windows file system at all (Unix guy here) and I just 
could not figure it out even with Google’s help. My hypothesis was that 
somewhere along the line something like a symlink was being used and gc didn’t 
like it.  But I still don’t have a clue, and I don’t need the aggravation, so I 
just moved my gc files out of OneDrive.

I’ve not (yet) had any problems with Office apps and OneDrive which led me to 
believe the problem is that gc accesses the Windows file system at too low a 
level, but I’m sorry, I just don’t have time these days to help debug this 

Aside from that, I was always sweating over race conditions.  Once a long time 
ago I lost some work because it wasn’t uploaded by OneDrive and then I force 
opened the file on another computer overriding the lock (bad habit cuz I had to 
do it fairly regularly).  The work was in the cloud somewhere but it was less 
trouble in that case for me to retype it.  So my fault, really, but I really 
really don’t need to expend a chunk of my brain mentally modelling the cloud 
sync and lock behaviour every time I use gc.

Other cloud file services might provide better warnings, and might allow you to 
wrap the call to gc in a test that will pop a warning until the file is 
up-to-date in the cloud.  Heck, OneDrive might provide such a wrapper too but I 
don’t know the system well enough.

One piece of advice for everyone: when transferring data from paper to gc, keep 
the paper with potentially unsynced data in a separate pile until you know it’s 
ok (for whatever sense of ok is relevant to you … cloud synced or hard drive 
synced or backed up to external hd, e.g.).  When you know it is synced or 
otherwise backed up, then file it.  In addition to losing data to the cloud 
issue described above, I’ve also lost data the old fashioned way (power failure 
on a desktop without battery backup), and both times I had more trouble than 
necessary re-running my transactions because I managed all those slips of paper 

From: gnucash-user 
<gnucash-user-bounces+edward.doolittle=gmail....@gnucash.org> on behalf of 
David Carlson <david.carlson....@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 12:52 PM
To: Gnucash Users
Subject: [GNC] OneDrive and GnuCash

Are there any GnuCash users that store their data files in One Drive?

Are there any issues slow response or keeping a few weeks of backup and log
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