So this is the same work flow that has annoyed me in the past, and I have
found a work around that works well for me. 


As you recall that GC is a double entry system so every transaction has a
Description that is common for both sides of the transaction, and then what
most folks don't realize is that there is an individual Memo fields for each
side of the transaction - thus three different way to denote the
transaction. Put what would be the description (Smith Plumbing) in the Memo
field of the non-bank contra entry and the check number in the Memo field of
the bank entry when manually creating the transaction. Memos DO NOT get
over-written during import of the OFX file. 


IMHO, the import should allow updating of the Description or the Memo field
of the transaction (selectable during import dialogue box prompt). My need
is a bit more complex as for some entries I import via OFX into both
accounts (bank account and credit card account) and having only one
Description for both side ends up overwriting the previously imported entry
and shows Description for whichever ever one was imported last amongst two.


In more modern releases (I've seen it in v4.8) there is an additional check
mark at the bottom of "Generic import transaction matcher" window called
"Append" which actually doesn't overwrite but appends the imported
description as an additional text to Description field. This might be an
alternate work around. I am not entirely sure if you import same entry
multiple time with "Append" box checked keeps on adding same description
multiple times or not - I have not used this feature.


Technically speaking if you wanted to match up your ledger with institution
holding the account than the Description of "CHECK # 205" is correct
Description for it in GC. Whether that Description is useful or not is
definitely debatable with opinions on both sides with equal passion.




Message: 3

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2022 10:26:20 -0400

From: Michael or Penny Novack <>


Subject: Re: [GNC] Import overwrites transaction description

Message-ID: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed


On 4/6/2022 3:53 PM, Ed Reeder wrote:

> Example:

> I have previously entered a check into gnucash:

> Num=205, Description=Smith Plumbing, Withdrawal=100.00


> My bank's OFX  transaction has:



>     <TRNAMT>-100.00

>     <CHECKNUM>205

>     <NAME>CHECK # 205



> When I import the OFX file and and match its transaction with the
previously entered check transaction the "Smith Plumbing" gets overwritten
with "CHECK # 205".


> Is there a way to preserve the "Smith Plumbing" and not have it
overwritten?  (It is a pain to go back and reenter the payee's name on each



This might be an opportunity to see how an analyst might approach the
problem. I do n not import OFX transactions, know nothing about them. 

That being the case I would ..


a) FIRST make a copy of you books before the import. You might give that a
name of test. You are going to work with THAT file so as not to mess up your
"production" data. Each time before the trials I am going to suggest you
make a reserve cop of that test file. I suspect it is going to take multiple


b) Same with the OFX file you are trying to import. You are going to be
editing it perhaps multiple times so you want a clean original each time.


c) You can see that is happening. The "<name>CHECK # XXX" is overwriting
what you had in the name field. For your first trial, see what happens? 

if you make than <NAME>" (in other words, NOTHING (null) there. My guess is
that this is;t going to do what you want , but it might. For you next trial,
eliminate that entire line form the transaction. In other words, nothing
between <CHECKNUM>xxx and </STMTTRN>


Of course ACTUALLY I'd not do it it trail and error but would look up the
definition of the bank's OFX transaction to find out if <name> is optional
or not.


Michael D Novack






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