Hello James Baxter

> I really don't like this at all.
What don't you like?
Please articulate what is the "this" that you don't like.

> I am looking to see how the stocks/ticker work over the internet.
> I have read about all of the help. even the Google.com
Well done!  That is a very good start.
Absorbing so much information is of course difficult, so may I suggest that you go back and review pages 128-130 of the comprehensive 264 page GnuCash Help Manual that numerous volunteers have put together to assist you and other GnuCash users:-

Also, perhaps you skimmed through chapter 9.4 "Setup Investment Portfolio" in the outstanding 315 page GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide? Once again a sterling publication produced by volunteers cheerfully donating their spare time to assist people just like you. I recommend that you revise it here:-

> I am not getting email back. Would like to know why
So sad.  Most people complain of receiving too much email.
What email are you expecting to receive?
Have you checked your spam folder?
Have you checked your blocked senders list?
Perhaps the content of your email is difficult for the average mortal to comprehend? Take the time and effort to go into more detail. Perhaps the tone of your email offends some correspondents who consequently do not reply? Study the cultural mores of the internet. Or perhaps they are just flat out like a lizard drinking assisting other GnuCash users in their precious little free time.

Just in case you *were* wondering, the prices for your "stocks/ticker" do not come via email, they are updated directly into GnuCash itself. So please don't waste any further time trying to find those particular emails.

Finally, do note that email support is generally not provided in this forum which, in case you hadn't deduced from the name "GnuCash User", is dedicated to supporting GnuCash itself. But, fear not James Baxter, all is not lost! Your email corporation provides excellent dedicated around the clock email support for customers just like you:-
* Talk to a live expert
* No robots
* No issue is too small
* Their representatives are patient, friendly, and knowledgeable
* They'll stay on the phone with you until your problem is resolved
So, don't delay, sign up straight away at:-

> I have said before, "SORRY" if I did something wrong.
Apology accepted.

> But I think if there is a problem, I wish to be told.
Well, since you asked, sadly there IS a problem. Several problems in fact. Let me set them out for you here so that there is no cause for any further confusion whatsoever on your own part:-
For reasons best known only to your good self, you have NOT:-
* Told us what version of GnuCash you are using
* Told us what operating system you are using
* Told us any details of how you set up your dummy account
* Told us what version of Finance Quote you have installed
* Told us what stock exchange you are using for your dummy account
* Told us what ticker symbol you are using for your dummy account
* Attached any screenshots of any of the above

Now, I know that you hold the genius-like community of GnuCash volunteers in the highest regard. They are so knowledgeable and helpful that it is an extremely commonplace error to ascribe mystical and god-like powers to them when you see them resurrecting working GnuCash solutions from the smoking wreckage of catastrophic misinstallations, misconfigurations, and misunderstandings on a daily basis. But I will share with you a secret if you promise faithfully not to damage their reputations with this knowledge. Promise? There is one thing that these near supernatural beings cannot do. They cannot read your mind!

So James Baxter, you need to take a good hard look in the metaphorical mirror before gushing forth with your likes and dislikes in this manner. Apart from claiming to have read "all of the help", in this email which you started with an unspecified dislike, you have shown no evidence that you have understood *any* of the copious GnuCash documentation that is freely available, and you provided absolutely no useful information whatsoever to tempt even the most saintly of time-poor GnuCash volunteers to assist with whatever problems you may or may not be having.

In closing, do please believe me James Baxter when I say that, having observed your correspondence trail on this forum over a number of months, and watched on from the sidelines as one volunteer after another has patiently tried to dig you out of yet another ill-described hole; I have reluctantly put my fingers to the keyboard once and once only to provide you, and only you, this specially personalised feedback with only your very best interests in my heart.

You have my wishes for your future GnuCash success, but (as you so aptly said) for some reason your allotted time has expired, and no further correspondence will be entered into.

kindest regards,

P.S. Your email address reminds me to recommend for your leisure time (if you can snatch an hour or so away from being enthralled with GnuCash) the film "Kangaroo", a western released in 1952 starring the great Irish actress Maureen O'Hara. Despite receiving only mixed reviews, Andre Bazin (a renowned and influential French film critic and film theorist) apparently said of it posthumously: "Perhaps the reader who goes to see Kangaroo will judge that I have given disproportionate significance to this failed, fake western... But it is in films like these that one at least gets the glimpse of a better, hypothetical work of art."

On 9/10/2022 2:50 am, James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
I really don't like this at all. I have said before, "SORRY" if I did something 
wrong. But I think if there is a problem, I wish to be told.

I set up a dummy account to work with the GNUCASH.  I am looking to see how the 
stocks/ticker work over the internet.But for some reason. I have read about all 
of the help. even the Google.com but not seeing what I am looking for. I know 
the program was writen some time ago. But updating it is not easy.
  I am not getting email back. Would like to know why
James baxterkangaro...@yahoo.com
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