I was fairly certain they were immutable, and indeed, at least in 4.12, they are. (if you have a different version and they are, that is a bug)

You can't edit memos of splits for posted bills (AP) or invoices (AR).

If they are unposted, they don't appear in the respective registers.

Note, I'm speaking of line items on bills/invoices entered using the Business Features, *not* manually entered transactions.

Those are of course editable. But be warned, if you also use the Business Features, they cannot 'see' any manually entered transactions.


On 12/4/22 2:48 PM, John Griessen wrote:
PS:  since posing these questions, I've looked more at memo lines and find that AR payment memo lines *ARE* editable.  So now I will be adding my inventory tags to those AR memo lines when doing a payment , or after!

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