I have a major nightmare on my hands.  My wife has a PayPal account that she 
uses for both personal and business use (stab me right here multiple times, she 
uses accounts that I know about and several ones that I do not).

Problem #1:  I have no idea what financial institution she used, except the 3 I 
have access to.
Problem #2:  Determining business vs personal expense.
Problem #3:  PayPal transaction descriptions are only a little less cryptic 
than the financial institutions I have access to.
Problem #4:  Never can remember whether the gross from PayPal is a credit or 
debit to account:PayPal in the CSV import.  Or whether to use Balance affecting 
or all-transactions.  I used to have a script that would sort most of this mess 
out, and put it in all proper upper/lower case/foreign language  (I edited it 
multiple times and somewhere introduced a heap error that I cannot locate).

I assume that an account PayPal:Imbalance would be the right course for where I 
do not know where the funds came from.  Right now I have the institutions that 
I know of throw all transactions into PayPal:Bank.  And PayPal import throw All 
payments to financial institutions there as well, otherwise to PayPal:Expense.  
That means copy and paste between accounts to get things right.  A major pain 
in the a$$ since I have to copy and paste from two separate accounts.

Problem #4 rears it's head here in the midst of #2.  I have to manually match 
the PayPal payments/returns individually.  Especially since PayPal may have the 
actual company name in it's native language and what was actually shipped 
(generally in English).  Then Problem #2, personal or business. Which get 
thrown into PayPal:Expense until I figure out which expense account it really 
goes to.

The CSV format generally provides enough information, but not always, to 
determine if is a business or personal expense.  Including who from and what 

Confused yet, I am.

There has to be a simpler way to import PayPal CSV to preserve my insanity from 
escalating to the next level, beserkergang!

And because I can never seem to remember it, is the gross sale amount a debit 
or credit to the PayPal account from the CSV (still assigned as a credit card 
since that was all she originally had).

Driving fence posts with my forehead.
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