The last one should show this for proper credit/debi sides

Checking account                  100
Electricity                   60                                   #OwnerA
in the split memo
Electricity                   40                                   #OwnerB
in the split memo

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 4:26 PM Vincent Dawans <> wrote:

> Unfortunately that is a limitation on how the splits work and I have run
> into this myself.
> When you look at it from the expense accounts, every transaction has a 3
> way split because of the 2 owner accounts, so unfortunately there is no way
> to group by owner account as the secondary sort
> When you look at it the other way, selecting Owner A and B as the accounts
> to report on, every transaction is still split because of the other owner
> account, so there is no way to group by owner as primary then expense as
> secondary. You can still get the correct total for each owner, but not the
> subtotal by expense account.
> It could be an interesting thing to try to change. When showing a split on
> the credit side, and the multiple splits are ONLY on the credit side, then
> we should be able to show the single debit side account name as the other
> account instead of showing "split transaction"; same for the other way
> around, When showing a split on the debit side, and the multiple splits are
> ONLY on the debit side, then we should be able to show the single credit
> side account name as other account instead of showing "split transaction";
> I might look at changing this as it would help as well because I have
> several reports where I have ran into this problem
> The alternative is to only use simple transactions, which essentially
> means splitting your transactions into 2. So instead of
> Electricity 100
> Owner A          60
> Owner B         40
> you end up with 2 transactions
> Electricity 60
> Owner A          60
> Electricity 40
> Owner B         40
> But it's not really very nice
> I have also an experimental report using tags but that would require
> changing your setup as well. It would still require splitting the expenses
> however, but both splits could be kept in the same transactions. Only
> advantage is you could get rid of the owner accounts UNLESS they are actual
> escrow accounts (instead of report placeholders while the actual payment is
> done from a single asset account).
> Checking account 100
> Electricity                        60  #OwnerA in the split memo
> Electricity                        40  #OwnerB in the split memo
> Here it is if you want to give that a try:
> But ultimately allowing the single matching debit/credit side to show
> instead of "split transactions" would be a more useful solution. I'll look
> at whether I can get that done but it might take a little while.
> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 3:22 PM John Dimitriadis <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a Gnucash file, which I use to track expenses for a jointly owned
>> property.
>> Under Assets, I have two accounts. One for myself and one for the other
>> owner.
>> Under Expenses, I have the Property, and under that I have sub-accounts
>> for the various types of expenses (eg. Taxes, Service Charges, Maintenance,
>> Bills etc).
>> A number of the expenses transactions have split entries. Either because
>> something was paid by both owners, or because I keep more detailed records.
>> I am trying to come up with a Transaction Report that will summarise:
>> (a) Total Expenses
>> (b) Breakdown of Expenses per sub-Account (i.e. type of expense)
>> (c) How much was paid by each owner, of each type of expense
>> The problem I am facing and have not managed to solve no matter what I
>> have tried, is that for the Split Transactions, when Sorting with “Other
>> Account”, I just get a groups for “Split Transaction”, and thus lose the
>> transparency of the Sub-Account or if I structure the Transaction report
>> differently, I lose the transparency/sum for the account from which the
>> payment was made.
>> Any help would be welcome.
>> Thank you!
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