And it's worse.  Guess I REALLY should have read the release notes.  Now notes doesn't autofiill the old way anyymore so I have to manually type even more.  My search still isn't begins with, either, so my list is still extremely long.  I guess maybe they missed that on Mac.  At least everybody else is happy with the improvements.  I'm used to being an outlier, so it is what it is.

On 6/29/23 10:02 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Yes, they switched to a 'begins with' search. (release notes are your friend - they are always posted on the website and here on the mailing list in the release announcement)

Since the list also shows more recent descriptions first, it is now like 4.x, but instead of only giving you an auto-fill of the last used similar description, you get more choices.


On 6/28/23 4:00 PM, Dustin Henning wrote:
Sounds like a good enouh reason to take the leap. Do not fill is presumably the opposite of what I want, but if it shortened the list, it probably did so by filtering using a "begins with" type filter, which would at least help a little.  The problem with "keep typing to narrow it down" is I'm suddenly typing 10+ characters where 2 or 3 would have been enough before, but that doesn't mean the new method can't have improved.  Thanks for the tips.

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