Well, I will add my 2 cents worth (for that is probably all it is really worth 
anyway).  With no disrespect to R Losey (I can appreciate what you are 
saying).... I will say this: 

I have been using the product since at least version 2.3.  I have had few, if 
any, complaints with the software.  It does what I need it to do.  I was just 
so glad that when Quicken went to their subscription model, that there was a 
product that could do what GnuCash does.  And as a bonus, the software happen 
to be free! 

My view is this:  We are very fortunate that this free app is supported and 
even has continued improvements and upgrades.   I have seen some free license 
software that are years old -- and have never been upgraded/improved and have 
no support.   Since the software is free -- it is there for you to take and use 
-- as is -- with no implied warranties, guarantees, or assurances that it will 
be improved, upgraded, or even supported.  Those are the terms  - take it or 
leave it.  

Now, if someone does not like those terms -- they can always get a commercial 
package or subscription and pay ongoing fees to have it improved, upgraded and 
supported.   (To that end, even when I did have Quicken - and paid for yearly 
upgrades -- the software still had bugs and people still complained about it -- 
even with paid support and upgrades!)

I am a happy GnuCash user -- and I wish the project nothing but continued 
success in the future.  And even if all the developers hit the lottery tomorrow 
and left the project forever and never touched the code ever again -- I would 
still be very grateful that it exists and does what it does.  Thank you! 


-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+pyz01=outlook....@gnucash.org> On 
Behalf Of R Losey
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 8:33 PM
To: Gnucash Users <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
Subject: [GNC] GnuCash getting worse?

Let me start off by trying to avoid hateful responses...

I worked in the software industry, and the programs I supported have had their 
share of issues. I remember (with hung head) when we went through a patch in 
which we would claim to have fixed a problem, only to have it recur, and then 
fixed that and then had another problem occur. It was a really bad time, and we 
took a lot of heat for it.

I also know that GnuCash is free, thanks to the intense dedication of a 
relatively small number of people... for whom and to whom, I am very grateful.


I started using GnuCash about 8 years ago, and I generally upgraded each 
quarter as the new versions came out. My own experience in software led me to 
delay doing the update for 7-10 days -- just in case there was a bug that 
necessitated a re-release (and it happened just enough to make me glad I waited 
from time to time).

I am still running 5.3 because (as has been documented here), the 5.4 windows 
release had a bug that left a process running.  "No problem", I thought -- I'll 
just skip 5.4 and install 5.5 when it comes out.

Well, 5.5 is out, and it looks like the Scheduled Transactions no longer 
function properly, especially in regard to variable placeholders. This is a 
feature I used and cannot use GnuCash if this is broken. This makes 5.5 also 
unusable for me. This is the first time I can remember when I could not 
download a new release - let alone two of them.

I don't know what the problem is or what the best solution is -- perhaps 
everyone on this list could contribute a few dollars to give the hardworking 
developers a chance to "re-charge", as it were? Perhaps a quarter needs to be 
spent only fixing bugs and ignoring adding new features? Perhaps the developers 
just need to take a break for a quarter?

I don't mean this at all in a harsh or critical way; I am just concerned that a 
program I really like seems to be slipping somehow.

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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