ofxdirectconnect is dead or dying indeed. The only available solution at the moment is to go download your transactions in ofx format, then importing that into gnucash. That's what I've resorted to doing, much as I dislike it.


On 3/25/24 3:21 PM, Bryan B. wrote:
I have been using Wells Fargo Bank and MtMcKinley Bank for a long time.

I'm trying to connect GnuCash to these banks. The AqBanking app suggests I
go to ofxhome.com for server info.

When I search for Wells Fargo Bank, the information there isn't up to date.
 From the error messages listed, I did find some relevant information
regarding the Client UID etc. However, after inputting this info into
AqBanking App, I'm asked for User Id and Client ID, neither of which I can
find online, despite searching.

Mt McKinley bank is not listed.

Results from a Google search that led to reddit.com/r/GnuCash suggest that
OFX is dead. If this is the case, what has replaced it? How can I set up
automated downloads for GnuCash, if at all possible?

Thank you.
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