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> Enesha Fairluck wrote:
> Hey all
>     I think I have gnudip installed correctly (tho it takes forever to
> create the domain actually, goes to journal

The journal file is the real database, which get updated. The source
version is only read when there is no journal file, and only rewritten
when "rndc stop" is done. This is documented in the DIND documentation.

> but not domain file, but I
> digress)  I am however having troubles updating the ip on a domain. I
> get this error:
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www: callcommand: command returned exit
> code: 1
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   command:  /usr/bin/nsupdate -v -k
> /usr/local/gnudip/etc/Kgnudip-key.+157+63977.private

Are you sure you have created the domain correctly?
Was there an SOA record in the original zone file?

Did you include the zone in your named.conf file? The fact that
something is taking a long time suggests that it is going out to the
root servers looking for the domain name server.

Have you tried doing these updates from the command line?

Can you get the SOA record doing "dig soa" on the
command line? If not, the BIND config is wrong. Just try to get the zone
working for retrieval first.

> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   input:   update delete
> A
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   input:   update add
> 0 A
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   input:
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   output:  response to SOA query
> didn't contain an SOA
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www:   output:  > > >
> Mar 26 13:37:32 www gnudip-www: GnuDIP CGI has exited - callnsupdate
> failed
> Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be wrong? :)  I would much
> appreciate it:)
> --E

Creighton MacDonnell

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