
GnuDIP is just a DNS service.  DNS does not register any information
about what ports on a host serve what TCP or UDP services.

What you suggest would need an SMTP and HTTP proxy. I doubt that anyone
would ever do this for free. This would be like providing free mail and
web hosting. In fact the bandwidth usage would be twice what it would
otherwise be. Since that is a big bottleneck and cost in such an
operation, don't hold your breath waiting for a free service.

You can publish your web URL with a port number at the end of it. But
the standard for e-mail addresses has no option to include a port, so
far as I can see.

Quoting BW Malcolm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Can GnuDip be used to direct port 25 and 80 to non-standard ports if
> the ISP blocks the std ports?

Creighton MacDonnell

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