Hello Damien,

Monday, June 24, 2002, 10:02:57 AM, you wrote:

DM> Hi Hadad,

DM> What I have done for my server is setup a 5 minute cron job which checks my 
DM> current IP, and when it changes it will run certain scripts, and update 
DM> bind and various other things.

DM> My script is based on ddns.nu's implementation of ddns, and the script is 
DM> available from there: www.ddns.nu, 

DM> This script would be easily modified to work with the ddns provider that 
DM> you are using for your server, or however you have your IP changing.

DM> What Creighton does is setup hooks for the DHCP lease, which is just as 
DM> good as setting up a cronjob...

DM> Let me know if you have any problems,

DM> Damien

I don't know if I really understand what you say (sorry, but my
english is very poor).

But see, in my case, the situation is very unusual...

I have a domain and 2 servers. The GnuDIP "server" are in the server
1, and my site (GnuDIP "client") in the server 2.

I do this:

In server 1, I create a sub-domain (like hadad.server1.com) in my DNS
server with a real IP.

In server 2, I put my site that have a dinamic IP (ADSL access).

Well, the fact is, I "need" that my site be encountered in port 80,
but the unique ADSL provider in my city, close this port.

So, I open the port 8080 in my modem (an Alcatel Speed Touch Pro) and
my Apache server listen in this port now.

But, I "cannot" use my domain showing this port in the url, like:

For try resolve this question, I create other IP in server 1, that I
thing redirect to other server (server 2 with dinamic IP).

First, I thing to do something like redirect in the first server (server
1) with the iptables rules:

iptables -A PREROUTING -d 200.xxx.xxx.161 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j
DNAT --to-destination 200.xxx.xxx.178:8080
iptables -A PREROUTING -d 200.xxx.xxx.161 -p udp -m udp --dport 80 -j
DNAT --to-destination 200.xxx.xxx.178:8080

In teory, when someone want visit my site in my adsl server, this
visitor will access firts the server 1, and the server 1 (with the
iptables rules above) will redirect this visitor to my server 2

If this could be work I donīt know yet, but I thing that is really

But for all works, I need that the server 1 update this iptables rules, when
the IP in client (ADSL server) change...

This script suggest by you, could help me in this case ?

Thank you very much for your attention and sorry for my english.
If you don't understand my message, please, tell me.

Hadad                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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