On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 02:04:47AM -0600, Jeshua Lacock wrote:
> If I may make a humble suggestion, it might be helpful to add Yelp as  
> a listed optional required package? I had no idea to even suspect it  
> (but I should know more about GNOME I suppose)

Added to README.
> I personally think HTML with maybe links to a PDF version might be  
> best, but you are correct, either HTML or PDF can be directly handled  
> natively in the users preferred application with the "open" command eg:
>       /usr/bin/open /tmp/output.pdf
> or
>       /usr/bin/open /use/share/html/index.html

I'll have to do some research into how to produce pdf from docbook
using free tools.  It's going to be somewhat messy on OSX.

> Thanks for the pointer, as soon as a made a wrapper I was able to  
> intercept the message!
> So, I will just make a wrapper called 'yelp' that will do something  
> like:
>          /usr/bin/open `sed 's\ghelp:gnumeric\gnumeric.html\'`
> Would you recommend that I use "http://www.gnome.org/projects/ 
> gnumeric/doc/gnumeric.shtml"? Is there a tarball?

You can generate it in gnumeric/docs/C with a 'make html'.  Although
this assumes a working docbook installation.  You may find it easier
to do it under linux.
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