Thanks for the tips, Morten. I will do some work in the next few days to
compile current Git versions of Goffice, GSL (suggested by Andreas) and
Gnumeric together.

In the meantime, I got distracted by your suggestion of using Python
scripting to address the problem which also seems like a viable mechanism.
The python API is very solid, exposing all the C functions I have seen and
allowing exploration using the Tools->Plugins->Python Console via things
like '>>> dir(Gnm)' to see what functions and fields are exposed. I have
been stumbled a bit on finding an exact angle of attack so I will ask a
couple questions.

1. Is there any way to access a notion of the 'currently active sheet'?  I
have found by going through the Python 'Gnm.App' (the global 'GnmApp *app'
field from src/application.c I expect) one can access the list of workbooks
  >>> wb=Gnm.App.workbook_get_by_index(0)
and other function. This leads to access to sheets managed by the Gnumeric
The ideal behavior for me is to
- select an area of Cells on a Sheet
- apply some functionality cells in the selected area.
This requires some notion of the most recently used or 'active'
Sheet/Workbook, functionality which I can't seem to find.  Perhaps it's not
present at all in the global program state due to such accesses being
through the GTK GUI and thus not tracked by the internal model of Gnumeric
but any insight on how one might figure this out would be appreciated.

2. Ideally I would like this 'replace blank cells' functionality to have a
GUI interface perhaps implemented using the Plugin architecture.  In the
plugins/ source directory, I see examples of (A) C plugins with similar
ideas, (B) a plugin to load python code using C (python-loader), and (C)
cell functions written in python (py-func). I don't see any pure python
plugins with GUIs.
Is it possible to write a Python plugin that will have a GUI menu (like in
the plugins/uihello directory, perhaps using some of the XML files there)
and operate on cells or would this require use of the C interface?


On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 12:51 PM Morten Welinder <> wrote:

> To build Gnumeric from github you will need Goffice from github.
> You could probably hack around it ("#define go_format_has_year(fmt)
> 0")  if you don't mind potential problems with text import.
> Search and replace never sees empty cells so it won't do what you need.
> Python scripting -- see test/ -- certainly
> can.
> M.
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