
here is another installation guide for archlinux on a Pi.

Also, I established a permanent groupchat server. Let's see how reliable
it is. These are the two important parameters if you want to join:


On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 17:40:27 +0200
sva <g...@besva.de> wrote:

> Hey,
> On 09/25/2018 05:24 PM, Nils Gillmann wrote:
> > sva transcribed 5.3K bytes:  
> >> The guide is here:
> >> https://github.com/royneary/painless-gnunet/blob/master/tutorial_debian9.md
> >>
> >> A better URL would be good then, can we place it somewhere on
> >> gnunet.org?  
> > 
> > I intend to spin up nginx on the new gnunet server this week, I will
> > snd another message in this thread when you could add the file, if
> > you have access (otherwise we can arrange the upload)  
> Sounds great!
> The guide is from lurchi, he should decide where and how it should go
> on imho.
> > Is this about the video, or what? I have space and bandwidth on
> > d.n0.is or ftp.n0.is is you want a short url.  
> Thanks for the offer, i actually meant with "it" the guide itself,
> which would be good to have better ULR than the one above. Something
> easy to remember & short for slides.
> Bur you're free to add the pEp-talks with its GNUnet sections on
> gnunet.org/videos if you feel that they belong there.
> Cheers,
> sva.
> _______________________________________________
> GNUnet-developers mailing list
> GNUnet-developers@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/gnunet-developers

How to Install GNUnet on archlinuxarm

- Install arch linux on pi
  - https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/broadcom/raspberry-pi-3
- Install packages with pacman -Su <package>
  - libmicrohttpd      >= 0.9.42      (available from https://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/)
  - libgcrypt          >= 1.6
  - gnurl
  - libunistring       >= 0.9.2
  - gnutls             >= 3.2.12      (highly recommended: a gnutls linked against libunbound)
  - libidn             >= 1.0
  - libextractor       >= 0.6.1       (highly recommended)
  - openssl            >= 1.0         (binary, used to generate X.509 certificate)
  - libltdl            >= 2.2         (part of GNU libtool)
  - sqlite             >= 3.8         (default database, required)
  - mysql              >= 5.1         (alternative to sqlite)
  - postgres           >= 9.5         (alternative to sqlite)
  - Texinfo            >= 5.2         [*1]
  - which                             (for the bootstrap script)
  - gettext
  - zlib
  - pkg-config
  - git
  - miniupnpc
  - libextractor 
  - jansson
  - nim

pacman -S base-devel # as root
git clone https://gnunet.org/git/gnunet.git
cd gnunet
./bootstrap # Run this to generate the configure files.
./configure # See the various flags avalable to you.
make install
git clone https://gnunet.org/git/gnunet-nim.git
cd gnunet-nim/examples
nim c groupchat.nim
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/gnunetlibs ./groupchat --config=/path/to/gnunet.conf --server=YV6G9EP9K3X41BM3FJ3D29BDZR6358XNZ6KDZVV7DFW729YB0KCG --port=welcome --nick=mynick

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