It's a great idea. A more direct link is:


--- "Robert J. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Whether you're secular or religious, atheist or devout, I think we can
> all agree that the time of the year known as Christmas will soon be upon
> us.  This is historically a time for personal reflection and charitable
> giving.  We reflect on how fortunate we are, and we give in order to
> show our thanks and appreciation for that which we have received.
> This year, I'm grateful that we have a Free Software implementation of
> the OpenPGP protocol.  I'm also grateful that the development process is
> fairly open and I'm grateful that, by and large, the people in the
> community are friendly.
> This year, I'm giving $10 to the Free Software Foundation
> ( in the name of the GNU Privacy Guard, as my way of
> telling the developers "thanks".
> If you feel like joining me in this, well... feel free to say thanks
> on-list, or to write off a note to the developers.  Likewise, I hope
> you'll give a small donation to the charity of your choice in the name
> of the GNU Privacy Guard.
> Merry Christmas to everyone.  May we have peace on Earth and goodwill to
> all humanity.

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