On 8/25/11 9:36 AM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Yes, i do this myself, but with a large keyring, a full --refresh-keys
> takes ages and thrashes my machine.

Define 'large keyring', please: I mean no offense, but that's a pretty
vague word.

proverbs:~ rjh$ gpg --list-keys|grep "^pub"|wc -l
proverbs:~ rjh$ time gpg --refresh-keys

[output snipped]

real    2m0.274s
user    0m40.273s
sys     0m0.972s

Now, maybe you have thousands of keys on your keyring and it takes a
ridiculous amount of time, but I suspect you're a bit of an outlier.  At
almost 300 keys I suspect I'm still well beyond the average user's
use-case.  (Note these are suspicions: I haven't polled users.)

The problem for any system of automated certificate refreshment is
making it general enough to accommodate power users with thousands of
certificates, and yet simple enough for the 95% of users who have
X-or-fewer certificates (where I suspect X < 50).  That's a very
difficult problem and I'm happy for GnuPG to kick this one to the users
and say "refreshing the keyrings is your problem."

Alternately, it might be a good thing to add certificate refreshment
into GPGME.  That way GnuPG, instead of forcing a One True Way on the
end users, could make it possible for other people to write their own
certificate refreshment utilities, with whatever policies and actions
they want.

Absent hooks in GPGME, I don't think there's much opportunity for third
parties to write certificate refreshers.  Doing so would require support
from GnuPG (adding a "last refreshed field" to each certificate on the
keyring) and some way to parse the GnuPG keyring independently of
GnuPG/GPGME, which is ... problematic.

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