On Mon, 17 Oct 2011 20:25, jer...@jeromebaum.com said:

> Skimmed over this. You say that you need ISP support to get the system
> adopted (for the DNS-based distribution). Wouldn't that hinder adoption?

Please look at how most people use mail: They get a mail address from
their ISP, a preinstalled MUA and so on.  Mail works for them instantly;
if it does not work, they change the provider or don't use mail.  Thus
to allows allow for instant use of encryption it is important to have
encryption on by default and so you can't do that without getting ISPs
interested in it.

> How about an opportunistic approach? This email should include the
> following header:

See above.  Further the problem with such headers is that it is a local
configuration highly dependent on the used MUA.  More and more users are
reading mail with at least two devices.  Thus a certain degree of MUA
independence is required.  Access to the DNS is required anyway thus it
is an obvious solution to use it for key distribution.



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