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El 28-08-2012 18:27, Stan Tobias escribió:
>> What would happen if you start reading your daughter's diary 
>> everyday, but never let anybody catch you reading it? And you
>> are

> I would be violating her privacy.

  Right, that was my point. From your previous message, I got the idea
you suggested if we want to use buses, we must use them, if we want
privacy, we must send clear text messages and claim "don't read
them!". But it can only work if we get aware about people violating
our rights. With email messages that is not the case (unless people
disclosure things they saw on the messages).

>> What happens with her right to privacy?
> Nothing, she still has that right.

  Ok, my fault, I was talking about privacy and not about her rights.

  Well, what should she do to ensure her privacy is respected and not
violated, if she can't know if somebody is reading her diary?

  I can leave my passwords on a piece of paper next to my screen, I
know my mother won't read them, and certainly she won't use them. I
know her and I trust her. But I don't know the guy sitting with a
laptop on the next cafeteria table, I don't know the administrators in
my ISP, and I don't know the path my email messages will follow to
reach the recipient's email box, so I don't have any reason to trust
that people. And since the email can be read at several points, by
several people, even if I see the content posted somewhere, unless I
can track the person that posted it, there are many possible Eves, I
can't know which one intercepted it, so I can't sue anybody. So my
options are to encrypt my messages, or to assume they can be read and
I must not send passwords or other sensitive data.

> obvious.  Note it's usually alright to read diaries of
> long-deceased persons.  For another example, suppose she was
> kidnaped - it would be alright to view her diary in order to help
> her.

  I agree. Maybe I made a mistake comparing her diary with email
messages, since her diary is at her home (no strangers should be able
to enter the house), while emails are "out there", you don't even know
who can have access to them.

>> So, in order to enforce our right to privacy, we use a tool to
>> make it really hard to break our right to privacy (a subpoena is
>> very
> I think we talk different languages here.  You have a right to
> privacy whether it's breached or not (I think it's kind of a human
> right,

  Yes, my fault, I was talking about privacy.

  Best Regards
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