On Tuesday 04 of December 2012 16:07:26 Nicholas Cole wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Hubert Kario <h...@qbs.com.pl> wrote:
> > On Monday 03 of December 2012 12:41:10 Hauke Laging wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> 
> >> are there arguments for preferring either
> >> 
> >> a) having one RSA subkey for decryption only and one for signing only
> >> 
> >> or
> >> 
> >> b) having only one RSA subkey for both decryption and signing?
> >> 
> >> Do any problems arise with the smartcard if the same key shall do
> >> different
> >> tasks?
> > 
> > Keys can become "used up" so it entirely depends on how often you use it.
> > 
> > What I mean by that, is that any signing operation leaks some information
> > about the key used for signing (generally far less than few tens of a
> > bit).
> > If you have signed tens of thousands of documents with it, an attacker can
> > recover substantial portion of the key and speed up the key recovery.
> Do you have a reference for this?

I don't have one at hand and can't find one through quick googling. I'm not 
sure where I've got this info from, it may have been in Applied Cryptography.

Basically anything I have to back this is the general recommendation for TSA 
used in SignServer:
but unfortunately they don't provide any rationale for this either.

Logically though, if you have a known function that takes two parameters, A 
and B. You know B, function's output and size of A, then provided enough pairs 
of B and output you theoretically can say something about A (as A is 
constant). Of course, this works only because RSA is reversible and you know 
A' -- the public part of key.

The problem is defining "enough pairs", probably the 100000 I mentioned is 
quite conservative. On one hand, such a limit is hardly a problem for anybody 
but automatic systems (which can be easily configured to rotate keys), on the 
other hand, this attack was described as purely theoretical AFAICR.

> I thought the major reason to use
> separate signing/encryption keys was that if a user could be persuaded
> to sign a chosen encrypted text with the same key, the decryption key
> would be revealed.

How do you propose an attacker could force me to sign data I already 

In both cases (encryption, signature) I don't process the data itself but 
either its hash or random data used as key for symmetric cipher. I may be 
wrong here, but I'm quite sure such situation is simply impossible to happen 
with GPG or other standard protocols (S/MIME, PKCS)

> http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/1806/why-should-one-not-use-the-
> same-asymmetric-key-for-encryption-as-they-do-for-sig

See CodesInChaos comment

Hubert Kario
QBS - Quality Business Software
02-656 Warszawa, ul. Ksawerów 30/85
tel. +48 (22) 646-61-51, 646-74-24

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