I would like to decrypt files in batch mode using GPG2 on a Windows 7 machine.  
 I have GPG4Win, version 2.2.1 installed.

I have so far been unable to make it work. I suspect I haven't configured the 
gpg-agent properly as I get the following error when I try to cache the 

C:\GnuPG>gpg-agent --daemon --allow-preset-passphrase --write-env-file --batch
--debug-level 9 -vv
gpg-agent[21568]: enabled debug flags: command mpi crypto memory cache memstat a
gpg-agent[21568]: listening on socket `C:\Users\Megan\AppData\Roaming\gnupg\S.gp
set GPG_AGENT_INFO=C:\Users\Megan\AppData\Roaming\gnupg\S.gpg-agent;21568;1
gpg-agent[21568]: gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.0.22 started
gpg-agent[21568]: DBG: returning notify handle 00000100
gpg-agent[21568]: handler 0x544c for fd 268 started
gpg-agent[21568]: chan_0000010C -> OK Pleased to meet you
gpg-agent[21568]: chan_0000010C <- PRESET_PASSPHRASE 2C7C06CF44E5B9B58023F24A44D
CB856B29B6933 -1 6661697468
gpg-agent[21568]: DBG: agent_put_cache `2C7C06CF44E5B9B58023F24A44DCB856B29B6933
' requested ttl=-1 mode=1
gpg-agent[21568]: chan_0000010C -> OK
gpg-agent[21568]: chan_0000010C <- [error: Input/output error]
gpg-agent[21568]: Assuan processing failed: Input/output error
gpg-agent[21568]: handler 0x544c for fd 268 terminated

Any ideas would be appreciated!
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