
I'm sorry you are having problems, but I think this is just nonsense.
Of course people move keys between machines all the time.  I have done
it myself often.  I don't think that anyone deserves that level of
abuse -- certainly not someone who has put years of work into a
program that is an industry standard and released it for free.


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:42 AM, da...@gbenet.com <da...@gbenet.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> After spending 62 hours on what I thought would be a simple task namely to 
> get a fully
> functioning gnupg mirror on my 64 bit Linux system - I realise this is an 
> impossible task to
> do. In the past I've ended up creating a new set of certificates - but this 
> time round I
> thought that I would apply some effort.
> My conclusion is It IS Impossible To Transfer Your Keys From The Same O/S To 
> Another Machine.
> There is no one in the entire universe that has ever attempted it. And if 
> they have THEY
> HAVE FAILED. Not one person on this list knows how to do it successfully. No 
> one. NOT ONE OF
> YOU can transfer a mirror image of your .gnupg folder and expect it to work.
> This tells me what I have long suspected - yes it's good at encryption and 
> signing but the
> programme is fundamentally flawed as to make it utter crap. My keys are 
> PERFECT but the
> software is CRAP. Werner Koch knows it's crap. Every one knows it's crap.
> So, If I want to go on signing and encrypting my emails I HAVE TO CREATE 
> BLOODY KEYS!!!!!!!!
> I am not a happy bunny!!!
> David
> --
> “See the sanity of the man! No gods, no angels, no demons, no body. Nothing 
> of the
> kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of 
> death. No
> delusion.” https://linuxcounter.net/user/512854.html - http://gbenet.com
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