
I’m trying to set things up so that I can sign files on a remote Linux machine 
using keys on my mac.  It looks like the new agent forwarding should fit the 
bill, and it feels like I’m really close, but missing something critical.

Setup details:

local machine:
* OSX Yosemite
* OpenSSH 6.8p1, installed using Homebrew
* gpg and gpg-agent v2.1.4

remote machine:
* Ubuntu 14.04
* OpenSSH 6.7p1, installed from source
* gpg and gpg-agent v2.1.3, installed from source

Locally, I start gpg-agent like this:

eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --extra-socket=S.gpg-extra-agent)

To connect, I use this command line:

 ssh <remote host> -R <remote 

It seems that the UNIX socket tunnel is set up: I see the “S.gpg-agent” socket 
file appear on the remote machine and neither the SSH client nor server 

But… I don’t see the key info going through.

Local side:

$ gpg -k
pub   dsa2048/00D026C4 2010-08-19 [expires: 2015-08-18]
uid       [ultimate] GPGTools Team <t...@gpgtools.org>
uid       [ultimate] GPGMail Project Team (Official OpenPGP Key) 
uid       [ultimate] GPGTools Project Team (Official OpenPGP Key) 
uid       [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 5871]
sub   elg2048/DBCBE671 2010-08-19 [expires: 2015-08-18]
< snip my keys >

Remote side:

$ gpg2 -k
$ gpg2 --output myfile.sig --sign myfile.txt
gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key

I’m a little confused as to where gpg-agent needs to be running, and what 
config options both for the agent and client need to be set.  Please give me 
ideas as to what may be missing and how I can debug this further.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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