Hi Peter,

> On 13 Feb 2017, at 12:16, Peter Lebbing <pe...@digitalbrains.com> wrote:
> An OpenPGP public key is composed of many parts which can be reordered
> without changing the meaning. Keyservers do reorder stuff, so you can't
> just compare two keys byte by byte and say anything useful about their
> equivalence.
> A command like
> $ gpg2 --list-options show-unusable-subkeys,show-unusable-uids
> --list-sigs [KEYID]
> gives a pretty good overview of a public key.

I tried that out with my two public key representations. There was a diff 
between the two keys.
The trust level of my two IDs was `unknown` in the one public key and 
`ultimate` in the other key.

Maybe this is the reason why the armor output is different.
I mean it make sense when the key server will change the trust level of the 
given user-id to `unknown` while uploading.

> I've changed your e-mail address so web spam scrapers can't take it
> easily.

;) Thx!

> If you see all the components there really are on your key
> reflected in this output, then the keyserver is already fully up to date
> and any further sending of your key will not change it any further.

This was the case except of the trust level.

> HTH,
> Peter.

Thank you. Very helpful.


Marko Bauhardt

GPG Key ID: 53192101
GPG Fingerprint: DC0F E851 82A3 72E3 7FE1  ACDB 970C FD47 5319 2101

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

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