On 12.06.17 17:28, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
>> I agree with you and it makes perfect sense, but then it would raise
>> another question. How should an average user of GnuPG, like me,
>> then handle this.
> It cannot be the job of the GnuPG team to teach people how to safely
> administer their operating system.  There are too many operating
> systems, too many different threat models, too many different use cases,
> for anyone to go down that rabbit-hole.
> Some generally good advice might include:
> - Keep your operating system up to date
> - Disable Flash in your browser
> - Disable Java Web Start in your browser
> - Install ad blocking and tracker blocking plugins into your browser
> - Only run software from trusted sources
> - Only use USB thumb drives with machines you trust
> - Only use USB thumb drives that came from trusted sources
Thank you very much for the tip about USB thumb drives!


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