On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 12:27:22AM -0500, charlie derr wrote:
> I believe that the key I'm signing this message with is 2048 bits and
> will expire next year. If I've got either of those details wrong, please
> correct my error(s). [...]

Hello Charlie,
    I see no expiration date on your key (4096, not 2048). Maybe *did*
input an expiration date and then forgot to upload the key again to
a key-server?

A general word on expiry dates: you can always modify them as you
go (that's what I do), they are not set in stone?
So why are they useful? Because this way you can encourage your
friends/workmates to refresh your keys every now and then, getting
all the new subkeys/revocations/etc.

Any reasonable client (I use mutt) should allow you to switch keys,
but since the one you are using is 4096 (very strong!), if it is
not compromised you could use this for the rest of your life.

Does this address your questions?

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