On 08/24/2018 07:47 AM, Martin T wrote:
> One more small question- in the output of "gpg --list-keys" or "gpg
> --list-secret-keys" I see two keys, but in the output of
> "gpg-connect-agent 'keyinfo --list' /bye" or "ls
> ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/" I see four keys with different hashes.
> Why is that so?

When you say that you have two keys, do you mean two *primary* keys? If
so, each primary key probably has an encryption *subkey* (automatically
generated by GnuPG, that has been the default behavior of GnuPG for a
very long time), so you end up with four private keys.

As for the fact that you see "different hashes", that's because `gpg
--list-keys` prints out the *fingerprints*, whereas gpg-agent's keyinfo
command prints out the *keygrips*.

A fingerprint and a keygrip are both hashes of a public key, but they
are computed differently and don't serve the same purpose. Fingerprints
are specified by the OpenPGP format and uniquely identify an OpenPGP
key. Keygrips are used internally by gpg-agent to uniquely identify a
key independently of any protocol.


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