Dear GnuPG,

I am already using GnuPG for a long time. But try to improve my
understanding of and working with it.
I became a member of Free Software Foundation Europe, and got a
smartcard. I wanted to use it.

And that is where the trouble started:
I intended to copy all my personal keys to the smart card.
In Kleopatra, I selected "Tools/Manage smartcards"
Then I selected "Import a certificate from a file", and selected files
from my laptop.
I was under the impression that I was copying files to the smartcard.
By doing so, I not only selected my private key but also my revocation
key (because, why should I enable a thief of my laptop to revoke my key?).
And then it appeared that I had revoked my entire key pair. Unintended!
Apparently, under smartcard management, I was not at all copying files
to the smartcard. Apparently, I was doing something else. Did I at all
copy files to the smartcard?

Can I UNrevoke that key?
How can I see what is on the smartcard?
How can I copy files to the smartcard?

I studied the GnuPG Smartcard How-To
(, but that is
entirely linux oriented.
I am working on a win7 system.

Can anyone help me further?



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Description: application/pgp-keys

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