On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 23:03, k...@dev.terastrm.net said:

> I would like to see the queries to gpg-agent that clients are
> sending. Like what key are they trying to access and whatever other

That is easy.  Put

  log-file socket://
  debug ipc

into ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.  Feed your monitor process the with the
output of 

  watchgnupg --force $(gpgconf --list-dirs socketdir)/S.log

What you see are debug messages so it is not a really stable inetrface
but it has not changed for more than a decade.  Inside the debug message
you see the request from the gpg processes and gpg-agent's replies.  You
can easily distinguish the gpg processes.  For the semantics of the
protocol used between gpg and the agent you can use the online help:


and then enter "HELP <mycommand>". <mycommand> might be PKSIGN etc.  The
manual (info or PDF file) describes some of theses commands.

If you want to see the interaction between gpg-agent and pinentry as
weel, add the line


to gpg-agent.conf and you see when and what gpg-agent sends to the
pinentry.  Sensitive data is blackened.  If you need more help, please
don't hesitate to ask.



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