On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 22:24:00 +0100, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:

Hi Patrick,

> I was told GnuPG has this wonderful tool gpgsm, which helps to handle S/MIME
> keys/certs and also to sign and encrypt messages. Is this true or am I mixing
> things?

Yes, that is true. However, if i remember correctly gpgsm by itself does not 
a message body format for an an email which looks like those created from other
S/MIME capable email clients.
> I played a little with the gpgsm and was able to add my S/MIME keys/certs. Now
> I wonder how I would make use of them with in neomutt.
> Is there any other infrastructure/tool I need to setup and configure to sign
> and encrypt messages in mutt?

While i also played with S/MIME and PGP setup's in Mutt long time ago, i am
using now for regular S/MIME email communications Thunderbird. I also
remember vaguely that for those (Neo)Mutt S/MIME set-up gpgsm was not

I would suggest that you simply google for "Mutt S/MIME" to see a lot of
tutorials on how to do that. Once you have a correct neomutt set-up
you can send me an S/MIME signed email so that we can see if your
set-up works properly. I have a D-Trust certificate. The D-Trust
root certificates should be already installed in most systems.



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Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP

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