> I guess that’s one way to look at it, but if your end users are
> dissidents and journalists communicating in happy fun places or
> developers signing critical software, then surely you’d want the
> product to be resilient against 10 year old trivial attacks from your
> users’ adversaries.

I feel like I am screaming into the void here.  I'm going to be quite
blunt because the message is just not getting through:

I don't get to decide these things.  Stop implying that I do.  Stop
blaming me for other people's decisions.  And stop thinking that I have
*anything whatsoever to do with the keyservers*.  I don't.  I understand
them but I am not a developer on them.  I don't even run a keyserver.
And if you knew the first thing about the keyservers you would know this
without needing me to tell you.

So please forgive me for not wanting to have a conversation with you.  I
am getting very tired of people confusing "Rob understands the current
mess" with "so I'm going to impugn his competence".

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