Thanks, Peter, for this confirmation.

You give further detail to what I had guessed in the course of playing with the settings of GPA and Kleopatra.

I conclude that there are at least two possible actions for those who want to protect there systems: In the GUIs of GPA or Kleopatra to fiddle the settings as I suggested earlier in this thread. And for Enigmail: your suggestion
In the terminal, to edit ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf so as to say "keyserver hkps://" or, if that file does not exist to create it as per your suggestion.

This could be useful for some mere common GnuPG users, like me.



Some side thoughts:
1/ Perhaps the fear of compromised communication (including distributed software, private messages) can be mitigated by practicing short feed back lines: confirmations. Like "did you get my communication, what did it say?" 2/ Perhaps one should not give too much trust to a WoT at all. After all, a crook can pretend to be a friend, and thus yield the entire WoT untrustworthy. Sometimes a friend becomes an enemy at a later stage. As a very ordinary mere user, I do not really understand the trust levels that GnuPG asks me to consider. How can a WoT that is not 100% understood by absolutely all users be reliable? 3/ With these thoughts, I hope NOT to embarrass the developers. Forget it, if you consider it useless for your troubles. (Thanks for GnuPG!)

On 03/07/2019 12:58, Peter Lebbing wrote:
Hello Roland,

Hansen's and DKG's blog are only partly helpful. For example my Linux
system seems to *not* have a  ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf file at all (one
of those files recommended for editing). I.e. Nautilus cannot find it.
The usual case on Linux systems is that if a configuration file would
otherwise be empty or equal to the default (the two can be entirely
different things in general!), the configuration file simply does not

So instead of modifying ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf, *create* one and put a
single line in it saying

keyserver hkps://

I encountered some strange behaviour here: I invoked

$ gpgconf --reload dirmngr

afterwards (otherwise dirmngr will not reconsider its now changed
configuration), and it *did not work*. It was still using the default.
It did work after I rebooted (I was not in the mood to fiddle more with
it and did the most heavy-handed thing that would work).

Also, Enigmail doesn't seem to use this configuration at all and instead
it is configured at

Enigmail -> Preferences -> Keyserver

I did verify using systemd's journal that the gpgconf --reload command
reached its intended goal: dirmngr said "re-reading config". It just
didn't have an effect for some odd reason. For people thinking about
this: no, I don't use Tor for keyservers, it's not related to dirmngr
refusing to change keyservers when on Tor.



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