ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್ via Gnupg-users wrote:
> 11/08/20 17:18 ನಲ್ಲಿ, Stefan Claas <s...@300baud.de> ಬರೆದರು:
> > 
> > And you think that continuing with those is a good practice since
> > Mr Snowden's YouTube Video was released?
> I mean, don't you think it's odd that you can't find a single other source 
> for those statements coming from Snowden? And
> don't you find it odd that Pegasus is claimed to be a Russian group, when in 
> fact they're Israeli (showing a basic lack of
> care regarding factual statements that are easily verified or debunked)? I 
> don't think Snowden would make that sort of
> mistake, and I would think we'd see a lot more articles or videos or whatever 
> about this.
> Is Pegasus dangerous? Absolutely. Do I take the claims in the video at face 
> value? Not really, no. And I doubt that Snowden
> actually said all of those things as one coherent statement (although they 
> might be various statements taken from various
> different interviews or speeches or whatever).
> The whole veracity of the video rests on Snowden's authority, and I suspect 
> the people who made the video are banking on
> people trusting it because it seems to come from Snowden.

Please ask native U.S. citizens if this is a video with a faked voice from Mr. 
Snowden, not me.


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