> A.  Yes, you can still anonymously register for almost anything.  It's not
> straightforward and requires a bit of forethought and jumping through
> hoops.
Not even close. Only a prepaid phone will do, which are not available
where I live, and even if they were, I'd still be required to show some
form of ID in order to get it, which defeats the whole purpose of getting
one in the first place.

> No, it probably won't defeat the NSA, but if they're your
> adversary what in blue blazes are you doing using any kind of electronic
> device let alone posting here.
In the world we live in right now, a comment someone pretends to be
offended by will get you jail time. It's that bad. I'm not being singled
out by the NSA or anything, and that in part due to the fact that there's
absolutely not a trace of anything on the internet that can be linked back
to my real identity. I arduously cultivated my anonymity from the get go
so to be able to operate freely in the shadows, and it's now paying off in
the form of relative tranquility as I stand untouched in the midst of this
cruel, worldwide socialist takeover.

> B. The Shadowgate documentary isn’t.  This is Coo-Coo for CocoaPuffs
> territory.  If you want to believe that stuff that's cool, just thought
> I'd make sure to stick the tinfoil tag on this one since you speak of it
> like it's a legit thing.
> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/18/fact-check-shadowgate-spreads-misinformation-major-events/5601742002/
There's nothing in that article that even begins to disprove anything the
ShadowGate documentary addressed; literally not one thing. Just a bunch of
NPC's running their mouths spewing the same old tired lies and slander,
which's standard practice for fake news socialist outlets anyways.

Just don't let others do the thinking for you.

> C.  Replying to person you were replying to -- how pants on head stupid
> does one have to be to use Tor browser (or any type of security critical
> software) on XP?  If you think that's a good idea then you shouldn't be
> using Tor.
The TOR Browser is an accident waiting to happen irrespective of the
system it's running on. XP is secure to the extent that you know how to
make it secure, and that goes for any operating system flexible enough for
the task.

> D: If you really need secure anonymous email, fire up TAILS on a bootable
There's no value in doing that since there's nothing I need to perform
securely that XP will not cooperate with, and besides all this, you do NOT
want to blindly capitulate your security to any AIO "solution" like Tails,
specially in light of it's flaws. You're much better off acquiring an
adequate understanding of whatever OS you're running and make the
necessary changes as you go.

Of course there's a limit to that, and certain OS' are plainly and simply
way too compromised and stiff for any privacy-related work, but XP is far
from being one of them.

>, sign up for a free Protonmail account over Tor, use a burner prepaid
> phone number to authenticate to Protonmail (Protonmail correctly gets
> worried about Tor signups), access Protonmail only over Tor (they have a
> hidden service).
Not possible as explained above, and quite frankly Protonmail is one of
the worst offenders because they shun people who are concerned with
privacy...in the name of privacy, of all things. What a dishonest bunch.

>If that's not good enough to circumvent your
> adversaries, again, you should probably just move up into the remote
> Alaskan wilderness and live off wild animals and shrubbery for the rest of
> your life and hope the bad men never find you.
I'll be going up in the rapture before it gets that crazy, so that's
something for the leftbehinders to figure out ;)

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