> keys.gnupg.net is a CNAME for hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net -- which is
> now returning zero results.

Let me break the prose down into the simple facts:

* the "HKPS" pool is no longer actually a "pool". it is a [single server].

* the "HKP" pool still contains a few servers, but using it means *all 
communication happens in plain text*.

* the newest release of SKS is [1.1.6], from august 2016.

> until it came under sustained attack from people trying to burn it all down

It is true the attacks were what brought it down, but the amount of effort was 
not a "sustained
attack" by any measure. The invested resources are somewhere around "couple 
hours and $0.00".

 - V

[single server]: https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ (hkps column)

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