Andrew Gallagher wrote:
> On 07/10/2020 23:27, Stefan Claas wrote:
> > I always wondered why it is not possible for me and probably many other
> > people to not get a *static* IPv6 address additionally when you sign up
> > as private individual at an ISP of your choice?
> There isn't much consumer demand for it (most people don't even know
> what IPv6 is), so ISPs aren't going to spend time on it unless there's
> something in it for them. Eventually yes, they'll have to move to IPv6
> because the world will run out of IPv4 addresses, but while that event
> is looming on the horizon there's no due date for it. Also, IPv6 is only
> critical if you don't already own a huge block of IPv4 (which most
> established ISPs do). And since they'll have to support IPv4
> indefinitely so as not to cut off access to the millions of websites
> that will never migrate to IPv6, they've probably calculated that NAT4
> is sufficient.
> My ISP does offer IPv6 though - just not on all of its network segments.
> Yet.

Mine offers this only for business customers, same with others in Germany.

Technically there should be no differences been made between businesses and
private individuals IMHO, because their is not shortage of them.


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