> On 13-10-2020 16:46, Dieter Frye wrote:
>> Now if any of this remains true today, I cannot tell (I did the research
>> a
>> number of years ago so it's possible something changed along the way),
>> but
>> even if not, it would still make sense to me to allow for greater (or
>> better yet, full) key size to be utilized specially for situations when
>> performance is extremely critical and something like Twofish just won't
>> do.
> Be careful though, there are ciphers known where extra keybits don't
> increase security. If there are situations where they actually reduce
> security I don't know, but the cipher would have to be re-investigated
> after such a change.
> Having said that, 128 bits is really enough, 256 is overkill "just
> because we can".
>> As for AES, while there doesn't seem to be anything fundamentally wrong
>> with it, the fact that it was pushed so extensively by the powers that
>> be
>> and the fact that it's considerably easier on the hardware (as compared
>> to
>> say, Twofish), makes it a candidate for large-scale, targeted
>> cryptanalysis, so I wouldn't put it past me that the NSA's onto
>> something
>> already.
> Brute-forcing a 128 bits keyspace and certainly a 256 bit one is still
> limited by the laws of physics, like in:
> - It takes more time than the age of the universe,
> - It requires more energy than the stars in the milky way emit during
> their life,
> - If you try to seriously paralellize it, there is not enough matter in
> the known universe to build all those computers.
> As long as the above are the limits I feel secure enough with the keysize.
> Quantum computers with enough qubits reduce the workload to brute force
> symmetric ciphers typical by a factor of a square root, so for those 256
> bits is sufficient. But then the public keys become the weak point, the
> short-keyed elliptic curve algorithms long before RSA and Elgamal (but
> when elliptic curve gets into trouble you know it's only a matter of
> time before the others will be too so they do need replacement then).
> --
> ir. J.C.A. Wevers
> PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html
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Ultimately it comes down to what the goal of the OpenPGP standard is
supposed to be. It's pretty obvious they don't rush into new things just
because, and are generally conservative when it comes to considering
allegedly stronger ciphers such as Serpent simply because preserving
interoperability with less powerful hardware is non-negotiable to a
degree. But Blowfish is a different animal: It's already in and stands
remarkably efficient irrespective of key size.

To me, allowing for Blowfish to be implemented at full strength would
simply extend it's utility (particularly when it comes to legacy systems)
throughout the steadily approaching quantum era.

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