On 2021-02-11 at 18:24 +0100, Charles Moulliard via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Hi
> We experience a very weird problem when the following command
> is executed on macos using gpg 2.2.27 (installed by homebrew tool).
> (...)
> Do you know what is the problem ("gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet
> (ctb=00)")and how to fix it ?
> Cheers
> Charles Moulliard

That secring.gpg file is corrupt.

It's trying to automatically migrate /Users/cmoullia/.jenkins/
workspace/50_ReleaseBOMUpstream/.gnupg/secring.gpg to the new secret
keyring format, but in doing so it is finding a NUL byte (at the
beginning of the file, presumably), where it was expecting a secret

Best regards

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