On 2021-03-18 at 13:57 +0000, Nick Cripps via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to encrypt and sign a large file. It takes a while to do
> this, and I then do other things while this is happening. It then
> completes and presumably asks me for my key passphrase, but I miss
> this and it times out, so all I see is the following error message:
> gpg: signing failed: Timeout
> gpg: file.gz: sign+encrypt failed: Timeout
> I guess that it is actually pinentry that times out, and gpg just
> passes on the error from pinentry? 
> How can I configure this timeout? 
> My /usr/bin/pinentry on my (Gentoo) system is a symlink to
> /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2, but since I am doing this over SSH without X
> forwarding, and it is working fine (and asking me in a curses based
> interface), I don't think pinentry-gtk-2 is actually the pinentry
> program being used, but I don't really understand how this works TBH.
> I do know that Gentoo uses Gentoo's eselect utility to manage the
> /usr/bin/pinentry symlink, but it seems like gpg is smart enough to
> use the appropriate version if this isn't appropriate, somehow. Can
> anyone explain this, or point me to where it is explained?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Nick

What are your caching preferences? I would first sign an empty/ummy
file, so it asks for the passphrase and unlocks the private key, then
perform the real operation (which will hopefully not require your

Kind regards

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