On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 15:52, Vishal Rana said:

> Digital signature verification is failing. Getting "*Bad signature*" error.
> How to debug this??

  gpg --debug hashing --verify ..

Creates files with the actual hashed data - compare them to thoe create
by the signing process.

> But observation is generated signature,"image.sig" files on both scenarios
> are different. means hexdump for image.sig in both scenario is different.

Sure they are. Please read up on digital signature algorithms.  See also
this status code we emit:

*** SIG_ID  <radix64_string>  <sig_creation_date>  <sig-timestamp>
    This is emitted only for signatures of class 0 or 1 which have
    been verified okay.  The string is a signature id and may be used
    in applications to detect replay attacks of signed messages.  Note
    that only DLP algorithms give unique ids - others may yield
    duplicated ones when they have been created in the same second.

    Note, that SIG-TIMESTAMP may either be a number of seconds since
    Epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the presence
    of the letter 'T'.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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