
A lot of fun these days and a lot of achievements!

June's Hackathon-in-progress status:

* Debian tools such as: devscripts, dpkg, apt, debarchiver, etc all

* compiled bunch of NCP 2.0 packages (gcc prerequisites)
  * newisys-nas.stanford.edu machine prepared. It is 4-core 2.6GHz
    Opteron with 8GB RAM

  * gcc-4.2 and Hardy's binutils tool-chain is available NOW

  * rebuild of Hardy with new tool chain - pass #1 complete

  * started work on very first NCP 2.0 Alpha1 ISO

* preparation to second Hardy rebuild in progress

Outstanding issues:

* Not all uploaded packages in Nexenta Hardy repository could be built
out of source + diff

* Many packages still missing - but we are making good progress on this

* Xorg is not yet uploaded

* Firefox is not yet uploaded

* Auto Builder work not yet started - with ZFS-powered Auto Builder in
place we are planning to quickly port up to 10,000+ Ubuntu/Hardy
packages in fully automatic way

Since we have one more build machine - SSH access for developers much
easier to grant - apply now at #nexenta on freenode IRC

More information here: http://www.nexenta.org/os/Hackathon

The Nexenta Team

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