BTW, 9300 packages imported now. 3700 missing...

On Sun, 2008-12-28 at 10:27 -0500, Tim Spriggs wrote:
> I think we need to wait and see what happens when main is enabled for 
> builds before we can judge what will happen ultimately with depends.

Right. This make sense to fix prior to addressing the rest of it.

>  I 
> don't think having packages with unmet depends in the unstable 
> repository is a bad thing. I think in the worst scenario we can simply 
> migrate known good packages to testing/stable and leave unmet packages 
> in unstable. Having the packages there helps to get people involved: if 
> they want to use the package they can help satisfy a few depends.


I generally agree with this statement. I forgot that "testing" is not
yet propagated, so we can use this... Good idea.

I wonder if we could utilize apt-get's ordering simulation, i.e. to
verify if package A is "good" do this in a script:

if apt-get install -s A; then
        echo "A: good"
        upload hardy-testing A
        echo "A: bad ..."

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