
Is anyone available to go to SCALE in California? For those who don't know 
SCALE is the (S)outhern (CA)lifornia (L)inux (E)xpo, it's website is:  I would really like for us to have a 
presence there.   The new WindowMaker guys have said that they are willing to 
share a booth with us, which would be really cool.

At any rate... as it turns out, I may indeed be able to attend as well.  I 
would like to get the word out there that we are still around and that we're 

So, if you're in CA and you're interested in GNUstep, let me know if you would 
like to attend.

> select * from people where state = 'CA' and interested_in_gnustep = 'Y' and 
> lives_close_enough = 'Y' and has_time = 'Y';

(Geek humor) ;)

Later, GC
Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

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