
We are taking a look at adding the option to install on Cygwin back into 
GNUstep (it previously worked).  :)

In the meantime you might be interested in the MinGW installers here:

The installers should install a basic MinGW system and gnustep core which will 
allow you to run any programs you like.

Thank you for your feedback and your interest in GNUstep.

Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc 
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

From: Darryl Agostinelli <dagostine...@gmail.com>
To: gnustep-dev@gnu.org
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 1:08:44 PM
Subject: CYGWIN Problems

I'm having some trouble getting GNUStep to work on CygWin.  Then I found out
that it's not officially supported.  I'm sad. So, this is a plea email.

Here's my basic case...  Apple has popularized Obj-C and I'd really like to
learn it now.  But I'm a PC user and don't much want to buy a Mac.  Cygwin
is the saving grace.  I also know about the MiniGW environment, but my very
simple Obj-C apps don't work in MiniGW!  (i.e. Hello World)  Anyhow, I use
Cygwin for lots of other stuff and I'm sure others out there do too. 

So I'm hoping that since Apple is popularizing Obj-C, maybe there will be
more PC people like me interested in learning it.  And maybe we can kindly
pressure your esteemed group to support our favorite unix-like environment
for the PC: Cygwin.

There are all kinds of problems with trying to use GNUStep on CygWin.
Here's a short list:

1) It takes millennia to figure out all the dependencies -- I ran Cygwin
setup a dozen times every time I discovered 1 or 2 more.

2) gnustep-startup-0.20.1 has this progressive_mode problem with libJpeg.  I
see that gnustep-gui-0.16.0 doesn't have that problem, but it's not in

3) So I tried to fake out gnustep-startup-0.20.1, by putting in the tar ball
for gnustep-gui-0.16.0 and getting rid of the one that comes with
gnustep-startup-0.20.1, but that didn't work.  I got some error about
"VERSIONS" not being found (see attached log)

4) I also tried to run ./configure on the individual packages like
gnustep-gui-0.16.0, but it complains that it can't find install-sh.  "make"
doesn't work because it can't find stuff that needs to be created by

I blew hours on this stuff.  Anyhow, I'd love to use your system on Cygwin
if you'll be so kind as to make it work well on that.

Very kind regards and happy holidays to you all,

Gnustep-dev mailing list

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