Gregory Casamento schrieb:
> I've been taking selected fixes, currently only the deadlock fixes
> from NSUserDefaults.


> I'd appreciate any detailed feedback you have on the others before
> inclusion into the trunk.

Patches that look ok to me:

28492 GSLayoutManager.m

Patches that will need a bit more explanation/rework:

28498 NSOpenPanel.m
Why not change the method _shouldShowExtension: or what is the difference?

28494 NSFont.m
The user default is fine, but will need documentation too.

> With respect to the GSContext change, it has helped prevent some
> issues with multi-threaded apps in GUI.  I would like to make it less
> coarse grained so that it can be brought to the trunk as well.

As I already explained: This change is working around the problem that
we use the same graphic context for a window in different threads. What
we should do is create a specific context for each thread.

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