Fred Kiefer wrote:

I am not that sure about this.
When I changed to the current code it was to get the Beans application
working with GNUstep. There we had the case the components loaded via
NIB where released to early by GNUstep.

We rather should make sure we handle all cases as similar as Apple as
Richard already added a simple test for KVC to see, if our behaviour
there matches Cocoa. We will need a similar check for the

If we want to be as compatible with Apple as possible, it seems that the best way to proceed would be to restore the old code. I ran a quick test this morning, and it seems that Cocoa is calling a - setXxx: method if present. However, it does ignore private -_setXxx: methods, which KVC seems to use, though only for backward compatibility. Furthermore, Cocoa insists on the attribute name being xxx and, unlike KVC, does not assign nib components to a attribute named _xxx.

So, if we want to be as compatible with Apple as possible, it seems that the best way to proceed would be to restore the old code. Or maybe to move the whole code to gnustep-base and export it from there as a GNUstep extension.


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