Am 17.03.2010 20:25, schrieb Vincent Richomme:
>> Hi Fred,
>> On 15 Mar 2010, at 10:57, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>>> I just started a loader for the XIB format. Seems to load the one test
>>> file I tried pretty well, but wont do anything useful with the loaded
>>> data :-)
>> What's the performance like for the XIB loader compared to loading
>> .gorm/.nib files?  Specifically, is it sufficiently fast that we could
>> consider using XIB as the a native format?  On OS X they're compiled to
>> nibs for backwards compatibility (old OS X doesn't understand the
> format)
>> and possibly for performance reasons, but if we could load them directly
>> then it would make porting OS X apps a lot easier.
> By the way do you know this project :
No, I didn't know about it, but I also don't quite see the point. If I
want to write code, I write code and if I want to define an interface
via a GUI builder, I do that. Why would I want to define an interface
via a GUI builder and then turn it into code? This gives worse code than
the one I would write and removes the ease for me or others to change
the interface without touching the code.

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