There should be no theming "magic" responsible for what's going on.
Could you write up a bug on this issue on the bugtracker?  I've tried
a few times to recreate what you're seeing my on x86_64 machine
running debian (for x86_64) without any luck.

I'll try on my 32bit machine to see if I can recreate it there.


On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 12:37 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am again able to select an item in a Gorm palette and drag it to some
> destination. Images are still missing, NSTabView ist still broken, same as
> radio buttons. So I started Gorm in gdb and had a look what is going on. I
> set breakpoints in [NSButtonCell setImage:] and in the corresponding parent
> classes methods (NSActionCell and NSCell). I found some odd behaviour there.
> NSCell.m, line 1190, that's where [NSCell setImage:] is. At the start of the
> method "anImage" is a valid pointer, after the line containing the NSAssert,
> "anImage" sometime is set to nil. I do not know what is causing this, since
> there is some proxy resolution going on and I don't have a clue about that
> stuff. Basically rather often the ASSIGN at the bottom of [NSCell setImage:]
> gets fed a nil value, so it is not a surprise that I am missing images. At
> least I think so, maybe I am misunderstanding the code because of all the
> theming magic which is going on...
> Cheers,
> Zitat von Fred Kiefer <>:
>> Am 07.03.2010 15:09, schrieb
>>> Because of my ongoing issues with current GNUstep from svn today I
>>> decided to do a fresh start and removed all GNUstep installation related
>>> files from my hardrive. After that I did a svn update and did a fresh
>>> build of core and gorm. Looks like Gorm is as of now rather broken. I
>>> can open an existing document of mine, I can create a new document, but
>>> the palettes do not work. I can select a palette, but I am unable to
>>> actually select an item, like a button, and drag it into a window. Also
>>> the inspector seems broken, it does not display stuff like RadioButtons
>>> or button icons. I attached two screenshots. Looks like the NSTabView
>>> issues are just syntoms of the same underlying problem. NSTabView does
>>> display correctly if it is told to display it's "item bar" at the
>>> bottom, screenshots are attached.
>> Now that all your images are gone I would say that this is after all the
>> same problem that Richard is having.
>> I hope to work on this together with Richard. At the moment I don't have
>> any 32 bit Unix system to reproduce this behaviour, so it will be hard
>> for me to track it down alone.
>> Fred
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