Hi everybody,

around this time of the year Apple uses to hold its „World Wide Developer 
Conference“ or short WWDC to reveal what new features of their OSes they have 
developed over the last year.

Since GNUstep is a free (as in speech) and open implementation of Cocoa, I 
thought it might be of interest for us of „What's new in Foundation“ / „What's 
new in AppKit“ this year.

Because of COVID WWDC21 is a virtual online conference this year (like the year 
ago) and everything is available as free (as in beer) online videos which can 
be watched without registration on every modern web browser (I tried current 
versions of Safari, Firefox and Chrome and experienced no problems). All the 
videos are available here: https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/sessions/ 

Of most interest for GNUstep should be those two sessions:

What's new in Foundation — 
<https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10109/> — 37:30 min


What's new in AppKit — https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10054/ 
<https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10054/> — 21:30 min

While all of the code examples shown in those videos are in Swift (which is the 
case since Apple went „full in“ on Swift some years ago) the basic changes seem 
to be made to the ObjC layer at least where it made sense. There are some short 
mentions of this matter of fact made by the hosts of both sessions — it’s just 
not presented on the silver plate for us, we might have to dig their 
documentation for the details. Nevertheless I think both videos are a good 
overview and entry point for finding out what has changed, therefore I posted 
those links here.


Kind regards,


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